Seal Point Siamese Cats Hypoallergenic

They are easy to identify through their body seal points facial features and behaviour.
Seal point siamese cats hypoallergenic. The siamese cat is considered a hypoallergenic cat. Seal point cats have dark brown almost black markings and the color of the belly and chest is of the lightest shade. Siamese cats are considered one of the oldest existing asian cat breeds having originated in thailand formerly siam.
My girlfriend and I have 2 shory hair siamese cats and she is allergic to cats. The siamese is the original seal point cat that has become an important breed since ancient history. No cat breed is entirely hypoallergenic but siamese cats are more so than most because they have short fine fur.
Siamese cats have fine hairs and shed significantly less than other breeds. All Siamese cats are born white. Most Siamese cats shed heavily in the Fall and Spring seasons.
Seal point siamese cats have points that are blackish or dark brown in color. Types of Siamese cats. Generally there are three types of Siamese cats.
Seal point is the most popular and oldest recognized color of Siamese felines. The reason why Siamese cats appear white is because they possess an allele which is a variant of a gene that codes for a specific trait that inhibits pigment formation. They originated in Thailand formerly Siam and were highly prized by royalty.
For lynx point kittens you can expect to pay anywhere between 200 to 400. They have interesting coloration because theyre partially albino so when theyre born theyre white and then develop the coloration. Those points or coloring on their head feet and tail distinguish this breed.